How To Cook Delicious Avocado Egg Salad Super Fast

The Recipe For Making Delicious Avocado Egg Salad.

Delicious Avocado Egg Salad You can make Delicious Avocado Egg Salad using 8 ingredients in 2 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Delicious Avocado Egg Salad

  1. Fill 4 of lg hard-boiled eggs, diced.
  2. Fill 1 of med avocado, diced.
  3. Mix 5-6 tbs of mayonnaise.
  4. Mix 2 tbs of cilantro, minced.
  5. Fill 1/2 tbs of Dijon mustard.
  6. Insert 1 tsp of lime juice.
  7. Fill 1/2 tsp of paprika (optional).
  8. Insert to taste of Salt and pepper.

Step By Step To Make Delicious Avocado Egg Salad

  1. Dice your egg and avocado and add all other ingredients and mix..
  2. Serve on toast and ENJOY!!.

That's how to make Delicious Avocado Egg Salad Recipe.
