How To Cook Mushroom soup fast and tasty Tasty

The Recipe For Making Mushroom soup fast and tasty.

Mushroom soup fast and tasty You can make Mushroom soup fast and tasty using 3 ingredients in 5 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Mushroom soup fast and tasty

  1. Add of Champinion mushrooms, potatoes,onions, carrots,fresh herbs.
  2. Mix of Salt, sugar, black pepper, Bayleaf.
  3. Add of butter, Cream or after cooking sower cream on the plate.

Easy Way To Make Mushroom soup fast and tasty

  1. Chopped mushrooms, Potato🥔, Carrots, onion, Bay leaf fry on slow heat with butter gee.
  2. When potatoes are ready add Some Salt, pint of sugar, Black pepper and steer with cream.
  3. After couple of minutes add some boiling water or Veggie bouillon (for vegetarian) or chicken broth and boil up to five minutes.
  4. Soup is ready just check the test and add some chopped fresh herbs And sour cream if it needed.
  5. Bon appétit❤️.

That's how to make Mushroom soup fast and tasty Recipe.
