Tutorial Of Healthy vegetarian dessert 🥬🌽🍅 Delicious

The Recipe For Making Healthy vegetarian dessert 🥬🌽🍅.

Healthy vegetarian dessert 🥬🌽🍅 You can make Healthy vegetarian dessert 🥬🌽🍅 using 6 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Healthy vegetarian dessert 🥬🌽🍅

  1. Prepare of Potato.
  2. Fill of Mushroom.
  3. Insert of Corn.
  4. Fill of Okra.
  5. Fill of Cabbage and tomatoes.
  6. Add of Green beans.

Step By Step To Make Healthy vegetarian dessert 🥬🌽🍅

  1. First start frying potatoes with green bean.
  2. Also as the same time try to frying ur okra.
  3. Corn and mushroom mix with potatoes.
  4. Mix all together and and plus tomato’.

That's how to make Healthy vegetarian dessert 🥬🌽🍅 Recipe.
