How To Cook Easy Tasty Ham Pizza Toast Without Equal

The Recipe For Making Easy Tasty Ham Pizza Toast.

Easy Tasty Ham Pizza Toast You can make Easy Tasty Ham Pizza Toast using 6 ingredients in 7 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Easy Tasty Ham Pizza Toast

  1. Prepare 4 of Bread slices.
  2. Prepare 8 of Ham slices.
  3. Prepare to taste of Ketchup.
  4. Mix to taste of Mayonnaise.
  5. Add 8 of Cheese slices / Shredded cheese.
  6. Insert to taste of Parsley.

Quick Step To Make Easy Tasty Ham Pizza Toast

  1. Place bread slices on the baking tray..
  2. Paste ketchup on the surface..
  3. Put ham slices on it..
  4. Put mayonnaise on it..
  5. Cover with sliced cheese or sprinkle shredded cheese..
  6. Bake at 200℃ (392℉) for 15 mins. *until the bread's surface becomes light brown..
  7. Sprinkle parsley and done!.

That's how to make Easy Tasty Ham Pizza Toast Recipe.
