How To Cook Fitness Recipes: Healthy Snack Instead of Hummus Without Equal

The Recipe For Making Fitness Recipes: Healthy Snack Instead of Hummus.

Fitness Recipes: Healthy Snack Instead of Hummus You can make Fitness Recipes: Healthy Snack Instead of Hummus using 3 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Fitness Recipes: Healthy Snack Instead of Hummus

  1. Mix 200 g of (1 cup)fresh peas (you are free to use frozen).
  2. Prepare of Olive oil.
  3. Fill of salt and pepper.

Quick Step To Make Fitness Recipes: Healthy Snack Instead of Hummus

  1. You only have to boil water and cook the peas til they are soft..
  2. Then blend it finely!.
  3. Spice with salt and pepper, you can also add a little bit of olive oil to it!..
  4. It’s ready for dipping!.

That's how to make Fitness Recipes: Healthy Snack Instead of Hummus Recipe.
