How To Make Delicious Mango and Spinach Smoothie Without Equal

The Recipe For Making Delicious Mango and Spinach Smoothie.

Delicious Mango and Spinach Smoothie You can make Delicious Mango and Spinach Smoothie using 4 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Delicious Mango and Spinach Smoothie

  1. Prepare 1 of Mango.
  2. Add 1 bunch of spinach.
  3. Fill Half of glass of yogurt drink.
  4. Fill Half of glass of almond drink.

Step By Step To Make Delicious Mango and Spinach Smoothie

  1. Peel mango and cut into chunks.
  2. Place spinach, mango, yogurt drink and almond drinks in a mixer (I used VitaMix).
  3. Mix. Done. Yummy!.

That's how to make Delicious Mango and Spinach Smoothie Recipe.
