How To Make Grandmas super tasty asparagus soup Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Grandmas super tasty asparagus soup.

Grandmas super tasty asparagus soup You can make Grandmas super tasty asparagus soup using 6 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Grandmas super tasty asparagus soup

  1. Insert 250 g of green on white asparagus.
  2. Fill Pinch of salt and sugar.
  3. Prepare 50 ml of heavy cream.
  4. Add 2 tbsp of sour cream.
  5. Add 2 tbsp of flour.
  6. Mix 1 of egg (only yolk).

Easy Way To Make Grandmas super tasty asparagus soup

  1. Cut the hard parts off of the asparagus and start cooking it in lightly salted water, also add pinch of sugar. The water should be not too much.
  2. Mix the sour cream with the flour, and once the asparagus is tender, mix it to the soup..
  3. When the soup is ready, then carefully add the egg yolk (soup should be not too hot otherwise you end up with an omelette). Also add the heavy cream, and enjoy.

That's how to make Grandmas super tasty asparagus soup Recipe.
