How To Make Super Delicious Carrot-Cabbage Egg Delicious

The Recipe For Making Super Delicious Carrot-Cabbage Egg.

Super Delicious Carrot-Cabbage Egg You can make Super Delicious Carrot-Cabbage Egg using 6 ingredients in 2 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Super Delicious Carrot-Cabbage Egg

  1. Prepare 1/4 of green cabbage.
  2. Add 2 of small carrots.
  3. Prepare 2 of eggs.
  4. Mix of Some tasty oil, that you saved from another time of frying.
  5. Prepare 3 tbsp of wholegrain flour.
  6. Mix Pinch of salt.

Easy Way To Make Super Delicious Carrot-Cabbage Egg

  1. I saved the oil in which i fried the "pancakes in breadcrumbs" and also some masala oil from frying my cauliflower. In this tasty oil i fried the sweet carrots cut into thin strips plus the cabbage cut thin. Its super tasty..
  2. I mixed the eggs with tge wholegrain flour and salt and fried it on little oil, mashed it after, and mixed it with the veggies. Its super tasty.

That's how to make Super Delicious Carrot-Cabbage Egg Recipe.
