Recipe of Easy Healthy Green Smoothie Delicious

The Recipe For Making Easy Healthy Green Smoothie.

Easy Healthy Green Smoothie You can make Easy Healthy Green Smoothie using 6 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Easy Healthy Green Smoothie

  1. Insert 1/2 of avocado.
  2. Mix Handful of baby spring mix salad.
  3. Prepare 1 cup of pineapple (frozen or fresh).
  4. Add of 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk.
  5. Prepare 1/2 cup of or more water.
  6. Insert of Squeezing 1/4 slices of lemon (I used mayor lemon, it’s so juicy about 1 tbsp).

Easy Way To Make Easy Healthy Green Smoothie

  1. Put all the ingredients in the blender mug. Blend it until smooth. Transfer in to a tall glass or smoothie jar. Enjoy it immediately..
  2. Health of body and mind is a great blessing..
  3. HappyJuicing❤️.

That's how to make Easy Healthy Green Smoothie Recipe.
