Tutorial Of "Three Meals a Day. Fishing Village"delicious Korean Food "Korean Pancake" Recipe새우 부추전 Step by Step

The Recipe For Making "Three Meals a Day. Fishing Village"delicious Korean Food "Korean Pancake" Recipe새우 부추전.

"Three Meals a Day. Fishing Village"delicious Korean Food "Korean Pancake" Recipe새우 부추전 You can make "Three Meals a Day. Fishing Village"delicious Korean Food "Korean Pancake" Recipe새우 부추전 using 4 ingredients in 5 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make "Three Meals a Day. Fishing Village"delicious Korean Food "Korean Pancake" Recipe새우 부추전

  1. Fill 7 tablespoons of Koran Pancake Mix.
  2. Add of Some Chinese Chives or Spring onion.
  3. Fill 1 of ea red chilli.
  4. Mix 5 of ea Costco shelled shrimp.

Step By Step To Make "Three Meals a Day. Fishing Village"delicious Korean Food "Korean Pancake" Recipe새우 부추전

  1. Prepared all ingredients.
  2. Cut red chilli (it's not spicy, just for looking good) Cut shrimps in half, devein the shrimps.
  3. Put 7 tablespoons Korean pancake mix in a bowl with appropriate amount of water, mix well combination of shrimps and flour.
  4. Start to fry pancake Put cooking oil on the pan Put some Chinese chives Put some red chilli Cover with some flour.
  5. Fry for both sides, finished Korean pancake dipping sauce soy sauce, Korean sesame oil, garlic, chilli, white sesame.

That's how to make "Three Meals a Day. Fishing Village"delicious Korean Food "Korean Pancake" Recipe새우 부추전 Recipe.
