How To Cook Super Tasty "Rakott Krumpli" Layered Potatoes Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Super Tasty "Rakott Krumpli" Layered Potatoes.

Super Tasty "Rakott Krumpli" Layered Potatoes You can make Super Tasty "Rakott Krumpli" Layered Potatoes using 6 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Super Tasty "Rakott Krumpli" Layered Potatoes

  1. Insert 6 of big potatoes.
  2. Fill 4 of eggs.
  3. Insert 10 tbsp of sour cream.
  4. Mix to taste of Salt.
  5. Fill 50 g of cheese.
  6. Fill of Butter for buttering the ovenproof dish.

Easy Way To Make Super Tasty "Rakott Krumpli" Layered Potatoes

  1. Take a big ovenproof dish, ceramic or glass, butter the sides n bottom with butter..
  2. Peel and slice the potatoes and cook them until tender in salted water. Alternatively you can cook them unpeeled, keep checking with a fork if they are tender, then peel and slice them..
  3. Cook and peel the eggs.Layer the potatoe slices with the egg slices, salt the layers as you go. Top layer should be potatoe.
  4. Add sour cream then cheese on top and bake in the oven till cheese turns golden. Serve with pickles.

That's how to make Super Tasty "Rakott Krumpli" Layered Potatoes Recipe.
