Recipe of Delicious Ethnic Fried Spring Roll With Shiitake Powder Super Fast

The Recipe For Making Delicious Ethnic Fried Spring Roll With Shiitake Powder.

Delicious Ethnic Fried Spring Roll With Shiitake Powder You can make Delicious Ethnic Fried Spring Roll With Shiitake Powder using 15 ingredients in 11 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Delicious Ethnic Fried Spring Roll With Shiitake Powder

  1. Fill 250 g of minced pork.
  2. Add 1/2 (100 g) of onion (roughly chopped).
  3. Prepare 10 g of vermicelli.
  4. Fill 1 tbsp of ◎ Shiitake powder.
  5. Fill 1 of ◎egg.
  6. Prepare 2 tsp of ◎ fish sauce.
  7. Mix 1/4 tsp of ◎ salt.
  8. Insert to taste of ◎Coarsely grounded black pepper,.
  9. Mix 2 tsp of ◎ sesame oil.
  10. Add 6 sheets of rice paper.
  11. Add as needed of Frying oil.
  12. Insert 4 tbsp of ● sweet chili sauce.
  13. Prepare 2 tsp of ● vinegar.
  14. Fill as needed of Red leaf lettuce, as necessary.
  15. Fill to taste of Fresh mint, green perilla leaves, and coriander,.

Step By Step To Make Delicious Ethnic Fried Spring Roll With Shiitake Powder

  1. Cut the rice paper in half..
  2. Soak the vermicelli in hot water, then cut into 2cm length..
  3. Mix ● to make the sauce..
  4. Add the Shiitake powder, vermicelli, minced meat, onion, and ◎ to a bowl and mix thoroughly. Once mixed, separate into 12 equal parts..
  5. Lightly wet the rice paper with some water..
  6. While the rice paper is still hard, place a portion of 4. on top of it, then fold it on the left and right and roll it in front. Finally, dab some water on the edge before reaching the end to secure the roll..
  7. Repeat this 12 times..
  8. Insert the spring rolls into the frying pan and add cold oil so that about 1/3 of the spring rolls is covered, then turn on the heat..
  9. Slowly fry them while turning them over regularly, and once the insides are cooked, put on high heat to make the skin crispy..
  10. Once cooked, plate it up together with your favorite vegetables..
  11. Wrap the spring rolls in red leaf lettuce, add any vegetables you like, then dip it in the sauce and enjoy..

That's how to make Delicious Ethnic Fried Spring Roll With Shiitake Powder Recipe.
