How To Cook Tortiglioni Pasta With Mustard Mushroom Sauce and Yummy Additions Step by Step

The Recipe For Making Tortiglioni Pasta With Mustard Mushroom Sauce and Yummy Additions.

Tortiglioni Pasta With Mustard Mushroom Sauce and Yummy Additions You can make Tortiglioni Pasta With Mustard Mushroom Sauce and Yummy Additions using 6 ingredients in 1 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Tortiglioni Pasta With Mustard Mushroom Sauce and Yummy Additions

  1. Add 3 tbsp of my Vegan Yummy Mushroom Sauce-Separate Recipe.
  2. Add 3 tbsp of sour cream.
  3. Add 3 tbsp of tomato pesto.
  4. Fill 50 g of grated cheese.
  5. Fill 100 g of tortiglioni pasta.
  6. Add of Fresh tomato for garnish.

Easy Way To Make Tortiglioni Pasta With Mustard Mushroom Sauce and Yummy Additions

  1. Cook the pasta in salted water and serve with the yummy additions.

That's how to make Tortiglioni Pasta With Mustard Mushroom Sauce and Yummy Additions Recipe.
