Tutorial Of Healthy Avocado Toast! Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Healthy Avocado Toast!.

Healthy Avocado Toast! You can make Healthy Avocado Toast! using 9 ingredients in 7 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Healthy Avocado Toast!

  1. Add 2 slice of whole wheat bread.
  2. Add 1 of avocado.
  3. Add 1 of egg.
  4. Insert 1 tbs of oil.
  5. Fill 20 g of hummus.
  6. Add 1 tbs of avocado oil.
  7. Prepare 1/8 tsp of black pepper.
  8. Insert 1/8 tsp of crushed red pepper (not necessary).
  9. Prepare 1 tsp of sunflower seeds.

Quick Step To Make Healthy Avocado Toast!

  1. Toast breads. (If you have avocado oil, I recommend to put on the surface of breads before toasting. It makes bread better flavor.).
  2. Fry the egg. Make sure to spread the oil and heat the pan before put the egg. You can chose your favorite style. (sunny side up, over easy, over medium, or over hard).
  3. Cut the avocado in half. Scoop up the inside of half avocado and put on the one of breads. Put the hummus on the another bread..
  4. Scoop up the inside of another half avocado and put on the hummus..
  5. Add the black pepper..
  6. Put the fried egg on the bread which is without the hummus. (The bread which has only avocado.).
  7. Add the sunflower seeds and done! If you like spicy taste, you can also add the crushed red pepper..

That's how to make Healthy Avocado Toast! Recipe.
