Tutorial Of Simply Tasty Beef and Broccoli Delicious

The Recipe For Making Simply Tasty Beef and Broccoli.

Simply Tasty Beef and Broccoli You can make Simply Tasty Beef and Broccoli using 11 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Simply Tasty Beef and Broccoli

  1. Fill 2 lb of flank steak.
  2. Insert 1 lb of organic broccoli (bag).
  3. Prepare 1 lb of baby bella sliced mushrooms.
  4. Fill 1 of small onion.
  5. Prepare 1/2 c of low sodium soy sauce.
  6. Insert 1 tsp of grated ginger.
  7. Fill 4-5 of garlic cloves minced.
  8. Fill 3 tbs of corn starch.
  9. Fill 1 tsp of red pepper.
  10. Fill 1 tbs of siracha.
  11. Fill 1 tbs of honey.

Step By Step To Make Simply Tasty Beef and Broccoli

  1. Cut flank steak with grain into 2-3 inch long sections, then cut against grain at diagonal into 1 inch pieces.
  2. Mix cornstarch and three tbs water together and then pour and mix over sliced meat..
  3. Mix soy sauce, siracha, ginger, red pepper and garlic in bowl. Pour 3/4 over meat and marinade 15 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile blanch broccoli (remove before it gets soft).
  5. Sauté onions for 3-4 minutes in avocado oil, add mushrooms and sauté until soft. Remove from pan..
  6. Sauté steak. Add rest of leftover sauce. When cooked through add broccoli, onion and mushrooms. Stir all together..

That's how to make Simply Tasty Beef and Broccoli Recipe.
