Tutorial Of Yummy Grilled Cheese or Tuna Melt🧀🥪 Tasty

The Recipe For Making Yummy Grilled Cheese or Tuna Melt🧀🥪.

Yummy Grilled Cheese or Tuna Melt🧀🥪 You can make Yummy Grilled Cheese or Tuna Melt🧀🥪 using 5 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Yummy Grilled Cheese or Tuna Melt🧀🥪

  1. Add 2 slices of Bread.
  2. Prepare 1 slice of American cheese.
  3. Mix as needed of butter.
  4. Fill 1 can of tuna, drained.
  5. Insert 1 tbsp of mayo.

Quick Step To Make Yummy Grilled Cheese or Tuna Melt🧀🥪

  1. Butter bread lightly..
  2. Place on pan...low heat..
  3. Use one slice american cheese..
  4. Add tuna (drained and mixed in small bowl with tablespoon Mayo.).
  5. Flip and cook other side..
  6. Cut and serve..

That's how to make Yummy Grilled Cheese or Tuna Melt🧀🥪 Recipe.
