How To Make Healthy Enchilada Skillet Delicious

The Recipe For Making Healthy Enchilada Skillet.

Healthy Enchilada Skillet You can make Healthy Enchilada Skillet using 15 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Healthy Enchilada Skillet

  1. Fill 2 of zucchini diced.
  2. Fill 1 of yellow squash diced.
  3. Mix 1 lb of ground turkey.
  4. Mix 1 (14 oz) of can corn drained.
  5. Fill 1 (14 oz) of can black beans drained and rinsed.
  6. Insert 1 of yellow onion diced.
  7. Insert 4 of corn tortillas.
  8. Fill 1 tsp of garlic powder.
  9. Insert 1 tsp of paprika.
  10. Mix 1 tsp of cumin.
  11. Fill 1 tsp of salt.
  12. Add 1 tsp of pepper.
  13. Fill 1 can of red enchilada sauce.
  14. Fill 1 cup of shredded cheese.
  15. Mix 4 of green onion, cilantro, or avocado for garnish.

Easy Way To Make Healthy Enchilada Skillet

  1. Brown ground turkey with the diced onion on medium heat..
  2. Add yellow squash and zucchini when turkey is almost done, cook for 10 min..
  3. Cut tortillas into small strips, add to pan with corn, beans, enchilada sauce, and spices..
  4. Cook another 4-5 min, cover with cheese top with green onion, cilantro, or avacado and serve..

That's how to make Healthy Enchilada Skillet Recipe.
