Recipe of Homemade tasty chilli paste Delicious

The Recipe For Making Homemade tasty chilli paste.

Homemade tasty chilli paste You can make Homemade tasty chilli paste using 4 ingredients in 5 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Homemade tasty chilli paste

  1. Prepare 2 pcs of Red onions.
  2. Add 2 tbsp of chilli flecks.
  3. Insert 1 pcs of lime.
  4. Add of Salt for the taste.

Easy Way To Make Homemade tasty chilli paste

  1. First cut onions in to small dice.
  2. Take a grinder or wooden chopper and add all the cut onions, salt and chilli flecks, chopped it properly.
  3. After chopped till get smooth paste add lime.
  4. Now time taste our chilli paste with bread or milk rice 🙏😋.
  5. Very easy and very tasty those who like spicy 😊.

That's how to make Homemade tasty chilli paste Recipe.
